Knowing how to select a Listing Agent who will provide the best service can make all the difference in your home selling experience.
Select A Listing Agent For Loyalty
Select a Listing Agent who will represent only you and your best interests, not the Buyer(s) of your home. Many real estate agents choose to work with both sides in the same transaction and that is not in your best interest.
Seller Beware: Real Estate IS Local
The best Listing Agent is one who is very knowledgeable and has experience selling homes in your local market. Select a Listing Agent with in-depth market knowledge about the homes near you to receive an accurate fair market value for the current market.
Select a Listing Agent who provides a comprehensive market analysis, pricing strategy, and a strategic marketing plan to reach as many home buyers as possible using current technology.
Your Listing Agent should demonstrate a solid understanding of the current market, home buyer trends, and examples of specific strategies proven to be successful in our highly competitive market.
Every Listing Agent Is Unique
There are many agents and brokerage firms from which to choose. Bear in mind most real estate agents work as “Independent Contractors” and may offer vastly different levels of service even within the same brokerage firm.
A Listing Agent must be highly skilled in many real estate practice areas, including how to:
- Understand and protect your rights within city, state and federal regulations
- Educate, coach and advocate on behalf of Client
- Be personable and respectful to everyone at all times
- Highly accessible to Clients and juggle an unpredictable schedule
- Highly organized, effective with multi-tasking and time management
- Keep current with market trends and provide updated market analysis
- Proficient statistical analysis, ability to spot market trends
- Proven negotiation strategies and techniques
- Effective task and project manager to ensure a smooth closing
Selecting a Listing Agent: Interview Questions
To understand how to select a listing agent I recommend asking each agent these questions during an interview as a starting point, such as:
- What is included in your home selling services and do you provide this in writing?
- For your listings sold over the past year, what is the average sale price to original price ratio?
- For your listings sold over the past year, what is the average days to offer?
- During your real estate career how many homes did you list but did not sell and why?
- Are you willing to work with and represent only me as the Seller (and not the Buyers) during the sale of my home?
- Can you share one example of how you successfully solved a complicated problem for a Seller Client?
- Why should I hire you instead of your competitors?
Selecting a Listing Agent: Recommendations
Ask real estate industry professionals who work with Listing Agents every day to recommend those with the highest level of integrity and a favorable reputation.
In addition to asking family and friends; consider asking your attorney, financial advisor, mortgage lender, and accountant for recommendations.
Home Listing Agent Massachusetts
Reviews for Tamela Roche, Realtor
To learn more about my Home Listing Agent services to sell your home, contact me to schedule a Home Seller Consultation.
Tamela Roche CRS® Certified Residential Specialist
Tamela Roche CLHMS® Certified Luxury Home Marketing Specialist